Walderlebnis mit Schneemobilen

We will start the snowmobile safari from the frozen sea and carry on to the snowy forest, where you can feel the spirit of Lapland around you. With some luck the sky is clear and the sun is shining. We will enjoy a snacks by the fire with hot beverages and listen to the nature talking to us.

You will be picked up by our guide from your hotel in Kemi and Tornio – Haparanda. The safaris include the safari equipment, needed transfers and the snowmobile safari either single or duo drive. The driver of the snowmobile should be at least 18 years old with a valid driving licence.

Wetterbedingte Änderungen der Touren sind vorbehalten. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, Route, Dauer und Preise ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu ändern. Für Schäden am Fahrzeug haftet der Fahrer des Schneemobils.

Snow mobile safari