Pêche sur glace à Nallikari, Oulu

On this trip the likelihood of getting to experience the strike of a fish and seeing it emerge from under the ice is very good. Of course fishes aren’t always hungry so a catch cannot be absolutely guaranteed.

We will meet at the Nallikari lighthouse and begin a 5 – 15 minute walk on the frozen sea to the fishing spots. On location everyone gets a chance to drill a hole in ice by themselves, and our fishing guide demonstrates how to attach the bait and how to lure the fish with it. The trip doesn’t require previous fishing experience.

The Oulu sea area, located in the Gulf of Bothnia, is absolutely beautiful especially in winter offering spectacular views on both the city and the open sea. It is also a great ice fishing location and has some good spots for catching perch, roach or even whitefish.

Pilkkiretki Oulun Nallikarissa 1