Maikkula's Manor, le restaurant à charte

Maikkula Mansion has been one of the great houses on the Oulujoki River for centuries. On entering the courtyard, the view is the same as that seen by travellers back in the 19th century. The mansion grounds and the buildings, once forgotten, are valuable conservation sites that have been restored to their former glory using traditional methods and with respect for history.
Maikkula Mansion´s kitchen prepares meals on site, using carefully selected ingredients. For example, in the summer 30-40 lambs from Pudasjärvi graze in the pastures of the Mansion and are raised for the needs of the restaurant. For us, food is the number one thing and we want our customers to enjoy good Finnish local food with personal service in a wonderful setting.

Maikkula Mansion is a charter restaurant and in the area there are saunas and six different celebration spaces, where you can organize celebrations for 10 to 250 people.

Maikkula Mansion´s courtyard.