Restaurant Toripolliisi

A green house on the seashore

Jacob Wilhelm Callmeijer, mergant, ship master and sea captain, purchased a lot from Anna Catherine Goldbacka, the widow of a copper smith, in Oulu´s first quarter on the seashore on 12 October 1826. It was on this lot, the address of which is Rantakatu 6, that Callmeijer built his house.

The house´s first section, which represents unassuming classicism, was completed on the Kauppurienkatu side of the lot in 1828, and the Carolinian – style main building on the Rantakatu side was completed in 1845. Fire insurance documents of that time indicated that the colour of the house was “Terre verte” i.e. earth green.

The house acquired its current shape in 1900 when Master builder F.K.Jurvelius, owner of the house at the time, converted the cellar into business premises. The ceiling of the cellar was raised up 90cm and a new intermediate floor was built into brick vaults supported by rails. At the same time, the facades where decorated with the features distinctive of the “red brick” architecture in the national romantic period.

For more than one hundred years, different businesses have operated in the premises designed by Jurvelius, such as a notions shop, auction rooms, and a harness and leather goods shop. In 1927, a café was established in these permices. Although the cafë changed hands and names many times over the years, it was well – known all aroundOulu by the name Matala or House of Jurvelius.

The present – day Castropub Toripolliisi (english name is Marketpolice ) opened its doors first of March in 2013, and today we proudly offer high- quality local food and easygoing service, in a traditional setting.

Restaurant Toripolliisi