Catch sight of the King of the Forest Moose Safari

Did you ever stand eye to eye with the King of the Forest? It’s a mighty experience, to say the least. In this tour, we take to the woods with a skilled nature guide, looking for the elegant giant, the moose. We go in a mini bus to cover greater areas and stop at potential feeding grounds in hope to get a glimpse of the shy moose.


At dusk and in the padded silence of the wilderness you will gain knowledge of summer and winter feeding areas, potential sleeping areas, and how the landscape is scanned through the eyes of a moose. We look for traces from moose but also other wildlife. To be at the right place at the right time is crucial. Your guide is experienced and well prepared.

During the tour we also enjoy coffee and snacks (a Swedish fika) by an open fire while listening to the sounds of the forest and gently speaking about the interesting lives and behaviours of the moose throughout the seasons.

The tour is 3–4 hours, at evening dusk during certain parts of the year. Small groups of no more than 8 participants. Starts at Granö Beckasin hotel reception.

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