Taste of Mushing
At the kennel you are welcomed by our guide and if needed you put on warm outdoor clothes and gear to borrow. You meet the dogs and get a detailed description of how to handle the dog sled. You help to get the dogs ready. During the tour you drive in pairs – one is a passenger and one controls the sled. Halfway through the tour you have the possibility to change.
Dailly tours during the snow period.

Västerbottens Experience
Region Västerbotten Turism has developed a work method based on sustainability criteria set forth by the Global Sustainable Tourism Councils (GSTC).
Businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry in Västerbotten are working to create positive effects for the economy, the environment and social areas. This is accomplished by ensuring that the needs of visitors, companies, the environment and community serve as a starting point. Both present day needs and future needs.

Nature’s Best
Nature’s Best® is Sweden’s only sustainability label for nature-based experiences. The labeling system labels the activities of ecotourism entrepreneurs. Nature’s Best® functions both as a systematic tool for nature and cultural tourism companies’ sustainable business development and a quality label that makes sustainable experiences visible to conscious travelers. Ecotourism in practice quite simply. With quality-assured consideration for nature conservation, environmental adaptation or local anchoring with care for the destination’s cultural values.